EVERY DAY, WOMEN are bombarded with ads for anti-aging creams that promise to reverse the signs of aging and make you look like a newborn unicorn again, because God forbid you should look your age.
And one woman has finally had enough.
Annick Robinson was in the airport last week when she was offered a free bar of soap by a store employee. In a Facebook status, she detailed how the man in question tried to butter her up… in order to sell her anti-aging products.
Despite the fact that she clearly wasn’t up for his spiel, the employee persevered.
Undeterred, Robinson continued to grill the employee on just what was wrong with a woman looking her age. He then proceeded to offer her a discounted price on anti-aging creams.
Once it became clear that the man was not going to relent, Robinson decided to drop some truth bombs.
Old age is a privilege denied to many, and I don’t appreciate you marketing youth instead of your products, and denigrating aging women as a sales tactic.
Robinson’s status has since been liked over 5,000 times and shared over 22,000 times. In an update, she wrote that she was overwhelmed by the response and called on women to help “end predatory marketing practices that sell self-loathing to women”.
Women have more important things to do in 2016 than spend a single other minute worried about our wrinkles or the acceptability of our thighs.